Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This is an email Smith wrote to his grandmother, more details on how they live on the island.  He never answered if he has power or not. 

Dear Grammy,
Vanuatu is great. You are right that this country is poor. Even though it's poor, I love it! It teaches you to be thankful for what you've got here.  The people are so great and I love it here. Things were once again slow but I had my first baptism and I performed it!  We found out that we will be able to go back to Port Resolution so we will be able to teach a lot more. But we found out that my companion is going to be transferred.  It's sad but my new companion is a native I've heard. I will meet him in a couple days.
Just so you know, we don't have running water. Our home used to.  Someone should be coming to fix it though.  We have a big water tank outside where we fill buckets up with water. We have a hand pump connected to a filter for drinking water. It rains here enough that we will never run out.  We use a bucket of water and a cup to shower.  Once we get the water fixed we can use the shower head. It's a nice little home though. It's not very clean and you see cockroaches every once and a while, but I don't care. It's perfect for me and my companion and I'm happy to be living in it. Thanks for your emails and know that you're loved!
Elda Beynon  

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