Thursday, November 20, 2014

Walking up to Inapkasu

Week 7 on Tanna November 17, 2014

Romassen iakuarsikar ik miambam (that means "gud dei yufala evriwan" in the south Tanna Language),

So last week since you last heard me um....... oh, on tuesday we went to greenpoint.  We origionally planned on going there to meet with the branch president there and teach a few lessons but we had a change of plans and checked out a house that missionaries can stay in the future.  We drove there, talked with the owner and took pictures of the house, then came back to lenakel to email the pictures to the mission president. But mission president declined and said another house would be better.  So we drove all the way back to greenpoint to tell the owner of the decision made and by the time we got back to lenakel it was dark.  So that's all that happened Tuesday.

Wednesday we stayed here as usual and taught many people. We taught one of our investigators about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how to "Sakem Sin" (Repent).  Then we were able to read with a few recent converts in the book of mormon.  Many people were ready for us to come and teach them.  We also taught a new investigator named Susan about Heavenly Father and how he loves us.  We just worked, worked, worked! So that was good.

Thursday we stayed home because we were sick.  We both had a cold but Elder Child was soooooo Conjested.  I was alright but we decided that it's better to take one day to rest instead of getting more sick and going to the doctor or hospital.

Friday we felt a lot better and we went to the Whitegrass Chapel for District Meeting and afterwards we went on an Exchange with the Elders in Greenhill.  This time Elder Ross went with Elder Child and I went to Greenhill with Elder Killpack.  Me and Elder Killpack knew each other in the MTC, he was in my zone so we already know each other which is cool. He's from Orem, Utah. So we started walking in one of their areas called "Coffee" where theylook over a Unit.  I think they call it coffee because people grow coffee beans here and it is one of the main sources to get money in Tanna.  They don't sell Kobra or Cocoa like Malekula does.  Alright so in Coffee we saw a family and made Laplap Sorsor with them,  I can't remember if I told you about laplap sorsor already but it's a syle of laplap made in malekula where they make regular laplap but they put coconut milk in the middle so you can dip the lap lap in it and eat. It's really good.  And the people are surprised when we make it with
them because not many people can make their island foods. Yeah so we made the laplap and taught this couple about eternal marriage and about temples and they were very interested. We stayed there awhile and then walked an hour north to greenhill.  It was dark by the time we got there so we planned and played a couple games of magic before going to bed.

Saturday morning we walked to the village of Eniu and met a family from Wala, Malekula where I went on my exchange with Elder Jensen awhile back. I knew their language a little and it was easy to relate to them.  We helped Marie, the mama, make some Laplap Sorsor and then we taught them the plan of Salvation. It was a very good lesson and we used the book of mormon alot with the bible to show how it makes everything clear and how the two books work as one.

Then we went to the village of Itonga to look for some investigators but they were gone so we went to the village of "Lowita" instead and taught a less active family.  We played games with the family and taught them how to play ninja and they loved it!  It was  a lot of fun.

Yesterday we went to church there and afterwards taught a few little kids about the word of wisdom.  There was a member at a clinic who needed a blessing so we walked there to give a blessing and afterwards there were some kids playing with bow and arrows they made.  It's really cool, the people make bow and arrows here, I might have to get a hold of one for myself sometime.  We followed the kids back to the house where we taught one of them about the word of wisdom as well. And then Elder Child and Elder Ross came back from the Exchange.

Sorry  this email is short,  not much happened last week but all is well.  I love you all and hope all is well.

ia ko keke ik sio famle! ( I love you, my family - south tanna language)

Elder Beynon

The branch church house in Greenpoint

The White Grass District Building

District Building

Smith and the Lenakal Unit Leaders family

Sunset by the church

Eating lap lap Sorsor

Smith and the kids in Lowita

Smith and some kids

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