Monday, November 24, 2014

Tanna Week 8 November 24, 2014

Dia Sio Famle,

Since last week on monday night we drove to Middlebush so we could do exchanges with the elders there.  I had the chance to go there and stay with Elder Willoughby, from North Ogden, Utah.

Tuesday we walked to many villages and we taught an olfala about prophets and the time of Jesus Christ.  Then we walked to the village or Lonotuan and taught an investigator named James about the Book of Mormon.  Many others were there to hear and they knew it was true. James was awesome, he said "It's so true, there must be another witness of Jesus Christ and the book that Joseph Smith translated is true. Well what can I say, Jos blo yumi i tru i tru!

We were also able to teach another investigator about missionary work and we were out the full day and before we went home we stopped by some members house who were from Port Resolution and I met the head chief.  They were surprised because I knew their language so well. Then I did some magic tricks for the people and many people around came so it was kind of like a magic show, it was awesome.

Wednesday we hung out in Lenakel as usual and we were able to teach a new investigator named Susan about the Restoration.  Then we saw our Recent Convert Royal and then we taught Linda.

Thursday morning we woke up at 4am because a couple perspective missionaries from whitesands needed to fly to Port Vila to do some mission stuff.  We drove there and picked them up and checked them into the airport at 6;30am and they flew and then we went to Evergreen resort and had pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  It was sooooo good!

Then we drove to Greenpoint and taught a new investigator named David. He's the branch presidents brother and we taught him and his family about the restoration.  Afterward he told us "I've never heard anything like that before, it's so true!"  Then we drove up to Ianapkasu and we went to the village of Iatafum and we taught a recently baptized family about family prayer.  I love bringing
families together and teaching them.  When we finished it got dark and we drove back to Lenakel
and we taught Linda again.

Friday we drove to Greenhill to do some baptism interviews for Elder Ross and Elder Killpack, but everyone who should have been interviewed were gone. So we drove to Middlebush and I interviewd a 10 year old investigator there.  It was the first baptism interview i've done.  It was cool and I was very glad to do it.  It also gives you the chance to see the testimonies of others. we then went to lenakel and taught royal about the need of the atonement and  that afternoon we ended up driving back to greenhill to bring a propane tank regulator to them, because their gas was leaking.

Saturday morning it was raining and we drove south to Greenpoint so we could baptize Henry and his family from Karimasanga.  Sadly we forgot to grab our baptism clothes so we had the branch president and a priest baptize.  It was cool because we started the program in the church house while it was raining and when we got ready to walk down to the ocean and the rain stopped, it was still cloudy but the rain stopped.  So we went town and the family got baptized, a total of 6!  And when we walked back up to finish the program in the church house, it started raining again.  It was really cool, the lord was preparing the way!  We stayed there and talked with members before going back to Lenakel to teach a new investigator named David Jonah about the Restoration.

Yesterday morning we drove to greenpoint and we had to walk a ways because the truck couldn't get up a muddy incline so we walked about a mile to the church and we had sacrament meeting and confirmations. The family was so happy and they were so happy to be baptized!  Then after church we had a meeting with the Branch President and then went to Lenakel and taught Royal about Temples, then we went to other appointments but they were gone but we did recieve a call from a papa who asked us to come to the hospital to give a blessing to his child that was sick.  So we went and gave this child a blessing, and then another mama asked us to give a blessing to her newborn baby who had some sores on it's body.  I love the chances to exercise the priesthood and come do the savior's work.

Well know that all is well, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving just so you know but there's a senior couple coming this week and we will be helping them with the work so if we are lucky, maybe we will hit a restaurant or something.
Well I love you all and know I am staying busy and having a great time here. I love you all so much!


Elder Beynon

Doing magic tricks in the middlebush

Sunset over the volcano in Tanna

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